Newsletter July 15, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

June 1st, 2023 to July 15th there were 97 Counseling Sessions Scheduled with 38% of them Cancelled

There were 97 hours of counseling scheduled between June 1st, and July 15th in 14 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted in Germany. However, 37 hours or 38% had to be cancelled due to illness.

It all began on June 2nd, my 78th Birthday when I was taken to the Emergency Room.

After spending 71/2 hours, I was released with a diagnosis of Pneumonia, and an infected wound on the bottom of my right foot. 2 antibiotics were prescribed. Then three days later I was notified that a blood culture had been completed and I was put on a third antibiotic which was then removed two days later as another doctor said it was not necessary and that the first two prescribed would be all that was necessary. After spending two weeks out of service and resting, I have slowly started seeing counselees again along with an orthopedic surgeon, and the family doctor. I am scheduled to see a Pulmonary Disease Doctor as follow-up after Pneumonia and a Rheumatologist to check for the possibility of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am feeling much better and have gotten back to a fairly regular counseling schedule in the last 2 weeks. The foot wound is still healing, and I am praying it is completely healed in short order.

Prayer and Financial Partners You are so Appreciated. Thank you!

Prayer partners, I appreciate your continued prayers. Financial partners, I do appreciate your donations to the Center as the finances are a little bit tight right now.

Contacted About Testifying as an Expert Witness in a Criminal Case in Illinois

An attorney in Illinois has contacted me about my willingness to testify in a pending criminal case involving a church ministry in Illinois, I have sent my curriculum vitae which reflects my experience giving expert testimony in criminal and family court. My last experience testifying in criminal court was testifying for the State of Florida in a case where I took the stand at 9:00 in the morning, and except for lunch break, was on the stand all day until court adjourned at 4pm. Time will tell whether I’ll be called.

Greetings from Roger and Diane Boehm

With pneumonia I was instructed to remain at home (except for doctor appointments and to rest. Additionally, due to the wound on the bottom of my right foot I was to remain off the foot with a wheelchair being ordered so that I could get around the house with Diane’s assistance. Well, that wasn’t going to work when we measured the doors inside the house as they were all too small to allow the wheelchair to pass through.  How about crutches we thought? No, a bad shoulder needing replacing. Well, OK, what about the knee scooter? Wrong again since the last time I needed a knee

scooter one of my replaced knees and the scooter, shall we say, didn’t get along well. Oh well! Just been staying off the foot just as much as I possibly can with Diane seeing that my needs are met by serving me as I sit in a recliner, and she served me. She has been wonderful.

Newsletter June 1, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

121 Counseling Sessions from April 15th to June 1st 2023

There were 121 hours of counseling sessions between April 15th and June 1st in 14 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Germany. This is an increase since the last six-week period of 6 additional sessions. We scheduled new counselees in South Carolina, Virginia and California. Staying busy and thank you so much for your prayers.

Congratulations to our Latest Graduates who Recently Completed their Degrees through our Training Program

Andrew McCraw – recently completed our degree program and has received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Counseling through Colorado Theological Seminary and his license through the National Christian Counselors Association with an Advanced Certification in Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy.

Melony Kolody – previously completed her B.A. in Christian Counseling through the Center and has now just completed her Master’s Degree in Clinical Pastoral Counseling also through Colorado Theological Seminary. She is now licensed through the National Christian Counselors Association as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with an Advanced Certification in Crisis and Abuse Therapy. Although we offer a number of seminary options, both chose CTS for their degrees.

Our emphasis here at the Center is helping those in need of counseling regardless of ability to pay. However, we have been a Certified Academic Institution through the National Christian Counselor’s Association for over 20 years and, although we do not advertise and it is not the main thrust of our ministry, we will assist an individual interested in our degree program in Christian counseling and licensing. We offer degrees (Bachelor through Ph.D.) in Clinical Christian Psychology through a number of Seminaries at an extremely reduced price.

All Book Sale Proceeds by Roger Boehm go to help Support the Ongoing Ministry of the Center

Over 20 books have been written to date since the inception of the Center in 1997. Most of these books are in stock and available through the Center’s website store which gives a description of the content of each book.

Greetings from Roger and Diane

Greetings to all of our friends, relatives, and prayer and financial partners. We pray that you all are safe, healthy and happy.

We are doing fairly well all things considered. Diane is loving the warmer weather and the ability to get out in the yard and work with keeping her flowers watered and the bushes trimmed. In addition to that she works on keeping me well fed (oh what a good cook she is) and helping to see that my needs are met as do I toward her. 45 years of marriage coming up this year and we have stuck to our marriage vows through thick and thin. I am blessed.

I’ll be 78 on June 2nd and as I think back on my life it has been a challenge, an adventure and a blessing. I built an amateur rocket in High school and launched it under Army supervision at Ft. Knox Kentucky to an altitude of 14,000 feet. In early adulthood I built an airplane out wood, powered by a VW Beetle engine, got it approved by the FAA and flew it about 100 hours. I also flew as a commercial pilot in general aviation and was blessed with children.

But at age 33, as I look back, life truly began when I placed my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Three months later God called me into the ministry and Dian and I have been on an adventure ever since. We have been called into pastoral ministry in Alabama, Missouri, Minnesota, south Dakota, and Florida. We have served as missionaries with the Home Mission Board and have obtained seven degrees including three doctorate degrees in Theology and Christian Psychology. We’ve also conducted training and evangelistic meetings in Haiti, West Africa and Cuba and have counseled individuals via video technology on six continents. We are still active today, as you know, counseling individuals across the U.S. and other countries as well as assisting as a Clinical Supervisor to those desiring training, licensing and degrees in the area of Christian Counseling.

It has been an unbelievable adventure and a blessing. Jesus is still the wonderful Counselor and I enjoy working as a facilitator as He brings about healing. It has been a joy and a challenge serving Jesus. I hope someday He will say to me at the Judgement Seat of Christ “well done faithful servant” and I pray the same for all our partners. When will I be retiring? Still haven’t found that word in the Bible. Let’s all keep serving Jesus until the Lord calls us home or the Rapture occurs, and that could be soon!

God bless you all,

Newsletter April 15, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

115 Counseling Sessions
March 1, 2023 to April 15, 2023

There were 115 hours of counseling sessions between March 1st and April 15th in 13 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Germany and Canada.

A “Thank You” Card Received from a Counselee in Minnesota Who has Just Completed Counseling
[Thank You Prayer & Financial Partners for your help to Keep the Center Assisting Others]
“Roger. I just want to say thank you one more time. I hear very little conversation in my head these days. It’s so peaceful — I have more confidence & Joy. The ambiguity I’ve lived with is gone. The prayers and authoritative wording you gave me are empowering. I understand the demonic empire and the concept of demonization to a greater degree. The “Right of Birth” -whew! Some of it challenged my comprehension level, but it was so intriguing. What a ton of work for you. Thank you for compassionately using your intelligence to help people like me. God bless you, your family & ministry.
‘K’ from Minnesota”

Some Food for Thought

One Friday evening recently we attended an area church that put on a passion play about the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was a two hour event. At the end of the event the pastor had an altar call and 20 people responded and made salvation decisions. Then the next evening, on Saturday, one of the teenage girls who had responded to that altar call and trusted Jesus as her Savior, died in an auto accident. How true that after a sermon is presented, the invitation or altar call is the climax of the service.

Description: Altar call at evangelistic meetings I preached in Port-de-Paix, Haiti in 2008, 4000+ were in attendance, 958 salvation decisions. Heaven got a little fuller, Jesus was glorified.

And what a blessing when souls are saved as our job as Christians is to fill heaven. It’s an awesome responsibility that the pastor fulfilled that evening as the Holy Spirit brought conviction. As believers we don’t want anyone slipping past us into eternity without Jesus.

Prayer and Financial Partners

Thank you again for your continuing partnership in this national and worldwide ministry. You are such a blessing to the Center work and to those finding wholeness and freedom through our blessed Savior.

Greetings from Roger and Diane

Greetings to all of our friends, relatives, and prayer and financial partners. We pray that you all are safe, healthy and happy.

We have had a fairly active month and a half with family and friends. At the beginning of March two friends from east Georgia came to visit over a weekend and we had an enjoyable time just visiting and catching up on events and family happenings. Then we spent an overnight visit to Talladega visiting with Jackson and Kye, and, oh yes, almost forgot to mention Julie and Kory too. But then we as grandparents all know who is first on our minds when visiting.

This past weekend the Burel’s were visiting us and we went to Easter Sunday service with Jackson & Kye (and their parents of course), and then hosted Easter Sunday lunch with 17 extended family members visiting, eating and enjoying one another’s company. It had rained all day Saturday, but Easter Sunday cleared up and was a fairly pleasant day.

As I write this newsletter on Monday April 10th Amy is driving in tonight from Cincinnati for a couple days. She will be helping Diane with some of her planting and yard work and we do look forward to her being here with us. My close personal relationship with Arthur-itis (bless his little heart) is becoming more of a pain and assisting me, as always, in losing sleep at night. However, a week ago I stopped by the surgical center and received another shot in the hip and have gotten much relief, if only for a couple months. The doctor keeps saying I’m not ready for a replacement yet and to stick with the shots for now.

We have been praying for all of you and appreciate all you do for us so very much. God is good and we give Him praise and glory for the prayers and financial support you send our way. Thank you all so very much for your support of the ministry and your many prayers. And may our blessed Lord bless you and keep you under His wing.

God bless you all,

Newsletter March 1, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

129 Counseling Sessions
Jan 15, 2023 to March 1, 2023

There were 129 hours of counseling scheduled between January 15, 2023 and March 1st, 2023 in 14 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Columbia, Germany, and 2 counselees in Canada.

Needs Originally Expressed by those who Desired Counseling and have since found Victory & Healing through the Center

“I’ve never been able to find a Christian therapist with this knowledge I need. I was severely abused until age 18, made a mess of my life for 25 years, and began hearing internal voices when I was 43 years old. I am now trusting Jesus as my Savior and have been seeking a closer relationship with God and learning spiritual warfare. I need further healing from my Dissociative Identity Disorder.”

“I have strong demonic oppression (Witchcraft involvement) mental problems related, alter personalities, and would like to achieve freedom from the occult, and healing and integration of my alter personalities.”

“I am seeking healing because I have suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder for many years. I have also experienced anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress as well as spiritual attacks. I hope to receive freedom from spiritual and physical trauma and draw closer to God. I want to align with His purpose to find breakthrough.”

Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor
and He is Absolutely Amazing

Jesus is our wonderful Counselor and He does amazing things in bringing about complete healing of the soul (mind, emotions, will, affections). Let me remind the reader first of all that the Bible states in the Old and New Testaments that Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free. The heart of man is the soul (mind, emotions, will and affections) and when an individual goes through more trauma than they can handle, at the height of the trauma the soul (the heart of man) splits and an alternate personality is formed to take and hold the memory of that trauma. So, splitting of the soul, brokenhearted, commonly begins at an early age when a child is traumatized beyond their ability to handle the trauma. This is what is diagnosed secularly as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is thought to be very rare. Not so! It is fairly prevalent. Here at the Center two-thirds of our current counselees are suffering from brokenheartedness. Currently all our foreign counselees have sought us out for that very reason.

Jesus is the wonderful counselor and I have witnessed how He works with the alter personalities in absolutely amazing ways bringing about the healing of the alter personalities and then complete integration back to wholeness and healing of the soul. And if they are under bondage to the evil spirit realm, He paid the price at the cross to set the captives free also. To the Lord be the glory.

Prayer and Financial Partner, thank you again for your continuing partnership in this national and worldwide ministry. You are such a blessing to the Center work and to those finding wholeness and freedom through our blessed Savior.

Greetings from
Roger & Diane

Greetings to all of our prayer and financial partners. We pray that you all are safe, healthy and happy.

We have been praying for all of you and appreciate all you do for us so very much. God is good and we give Him praise and glory for the prayers and financial support you send our way. We fully realize that He directs your paths and in your obedience to Him our needs are met and the Center is able to keep moving forward. So to God be the glory and to you be a blessing from Him. Thank you for your obedience as you listen to His direction.

Spring is beginning to show itself with plants growing and a high pollen count with nature turning green. Diane is beginning to utilize her green thumb and getting out in the yard. Yesterday it was 80%. Sorry those of you up north because you’ve had a lot of snow and cold weather this past week and I know from having lived in Minnesota and South Dakota what that brings. Ugh!

We are doing pretty well. My close personal relationship with Arthur-itis (bless his little heart) is becoming more of a pain and assisting me in losing sleep at night as he keeps reminding me in all my joints that he’s still there. Didn’t know I had so many joints.

We are looking forward to friends coming in from out-of-town next weekend for a couple days and always enjoy their company. We love our friends, and the door is always open. Then in a couple weeks we will be going out to Alabama to watch Jackson and Kye as they play in their Soccer games. Both are very sports oriented and take all their athletic skills after me (well, maybe not.) Oh, I almost forget, we have a new pet. Still haven’t named him yet but he is a busy little creature.

Oh! I do love my home with Roger & Diane!

He is a ground hog who loves to dig tunnels, leave piles of dirt lying around as he digs, and generally pushes our buttons when he piles dirt around the trap but never takes the bait. The little rascal. But his day is coming when he will receive a new home about 10 miles away as a gift from us.

Seriously though, thank you all so very much for your support of the ministry and your many prayers.

And may our blessed Lord bless you and keep you under His wing.

God bless you all,

Newsletter January 15, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

111 Counseling Sessions
Dec 1st 2022 to Jan 15th 2023

There were 111 hours of counseling scheduled in 14 states between December 1st, 2022, and January 15th, 2023, and international counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Canada, Hungary, Germany, and Romania.

Thank You Prayer & Financial Partners

Thank you for helping make this ministry possible by your continued prayer and financial support. You are appreciated by us and those we serve in the Name of the Lord.

The following is a “thank you” I received a week ago. It was addressed to me but is actually pointed toward each of you also as you help keep this ministry available through your prayers and finances to those who are hurting and in need. So, I’ll share part of it with you.

Hi Dr. Boehm:
Everything is going well and I finally had the opportunity to sit down with my youngest daughter…I feel like our relationship is in a much better place. I really enjoy meeting with you and I anticipate I will schedule a follow up appointment at some point.

I can’t say thank you enough for all of your help and encouragement. God has really used you to help me through this season, and I am so grateful.

Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor
and He is Absolutely Amazing

This past week I was counseling a young man via Facetime who was sitting in his car when all of a sudden, he started telling me that Jesus was sitting in the other front seat. He started to describe the peace and love he felt coming from Jesus’ presence with him. Needless to say, it touched my being too. It reminded me of the experience a young Baptist preacher wrote in his book Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher by Chad Norris. In chapter 6, pages 92-95 he describes an encounter with Jesus he experienced in my office while receiving counseling.

Among other nightmares, I could sense that our house had a dark presence in it…The spiritual battle seemed to have no answers. I did not know of a single church I could go to for help…But then something happened for Wendy and me that changed everything. In a random encounter at an event at which I was speaking, I met a woman who gave me her dad’s business card. He understood spiritual attacks. So Wendy and I drove nine hours to seek Roger’s help. Desperation does not seem to move God, but it sure will move a person. And when you move quickly toward Him, you seem to find Him more quickly…

When we arrived in Roger’s office, I was on the edge of sliding out of touch with reality. I had loved Jesus most of my life, but I could not explain why I was going through what I was going through. I was scared…and then it happened. (continued)

Roger was leading me in a prayer when, out of nowhere, Jesus walked up to me in a vision and said, “I’m your Healer; trust Me.” This was not an impression or a mental image; I was seeing Him. Angels stood on either side of Him. One of them had a large sword and the other did not…

And here I was looking at Him. As He looked at me, His eyes pierced through me with violent gentleness. It was overpowering. It is a waste of time to try to describe what His love was like. I simply cannot. But what I am telling you is true: I saw Jesus that day…I have always been skeptical when people write about things like this. Yet, it happened. And it was not only that I saw Him, Jesus came to me and held me close. I have never felt love like that in my life. I hit the floor. My wife, alarmed, asked, ‘What happened?’ It was a while before I could speak. When I saw the Lord, His love knocked me out of my chair. It was not a handshake love. It was a messy, wild, passionate, deep, perfect love. It was the kind of love that makes you not care what anyone else in the world thinks about you. Because of that experience, I can see why the early Christians laughed as Nero burned them at the stake. They had such revelation of the love of God that they did not care even about death.

Jesus is truly the wonderful Counselor and I consider myself more a facilitator between Him and the counselee. Jesus never fails to amaze and bless me as I work with counselees, and I look forward to His soon second coming.

My only prayer is that I may hear Him say to me at the Judgment Seat of Christ “Well done, good and faithful servant.

A Personal Note from
Roger & Diane

Diane and I are doing well. We had planned to go north over Christmas and visit family but the weather and my hip prevented us from doing that. We did however, get to see most of the children over the Holidays.

This past week I had an injection in my right hip guided by a fluoroscope, but the doctor hit a nerve with the deadening medication and my leg when into la-la land for three hours. I must admit it was a strange feeling not having any ability to move the leg. Because Diane has a hard time driving at night and we were about 40 miles from home, they agreed to load me in our car and have Diane drive home before it got too dark. By about 10pm my leg was awake and I was able to walk on it. By the next day everything was back to normal. Such is life. Not feeling any pain now in my hip which should last about another 3-4 months based on past experience.

We’ve had some very cold weather the last few weeks. It has gotten as low as 6 degrees recently here in the Atlanta area and Diane just

tolerates (sort of) cold weather. Remember us in prayer please.

God bless you all,