Utilizing video technology, the Center is now reaching out to individuals nationally and internationally to help with problems relating to personal, marriage, family, and demonization issues.

How Does an Individual or Couple Set Up the Initial Session?

It is really very simple.  A perspective counselee must have internet access, a computer, and a web cam which can be obtained through Wal-mart and other various outlets starting at less than $30.00.

The individual contacts the Center to discuss the counseling need.  They then are directed to print off and fill out the intake forms (see tab on home page).  When the forms are completed, they can be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed to the Center, which will then contact the individual or couple and set up the first session.

How is Counseling Paid For?

Counseling is commonly paid through use of a Credit Card.  An alternative is payment prior to the session either by check or Pay-Pal (see payment tab at bottom of home page) or put an amount on account at the Center.

How does a Session Begin and How Long is a Typical Session?

At the scheduled time a video call is placed via Skype, a free internet service, and the counseling begins.  Sessions generally last one hour and are just as effective as actually being in the office.

This is an excellent way for an individual or couple who are seeking Christian counseling to obtain the needed guidance in the convenience and privacy of their own home.

If you know of someone seeking Christian counseling anywhere in the world, let them know about this available resource utilizing this technology.

What is the cost?

Typically sessions are $60.00 per hour.  The only additional cost would be for Temperament Profiles, if needed, which are $30.00 per person.

What about the Use of Tests and Other Forms?

If Dr. Boehm determines that Temperament Tests are needed he will send the test form via e-mail to be filled out and returned on-line. Test results and other forms are commonly sent via e-mail attachment.