Newsletter January 15, 2025

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

As We Begin the New Year We have Counseling Sessions Scheduled in Eleven States and Australia

Attention Financial Partners

As a 501c3 non-profit ministry you will find enclosed with this newsletter your year end statement for tax purposes. If you have made a donation and there is no donation receipt showing the amount you donated during 2024, or if there is an error, then please call us as soon as possible so that we can get a new or corrected receipt to you. Our phone number is 321-269-0404. If there is no answer and you are directed to voicemail then leave a message and your phone number and we will return your call.

To show how important your donations are, the breakdown of income in 2024 of the total income was:

  • 73.1% was from donations
  • 26.9% was from counseling

The reason being that we do not refuse counseling to anyone due to lack of ability to pay. With the present economy there are many who are struggling financially but still need Christian counseling. Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

    Prayer Partners

    Your partnership is also extremely vital to the ongoing success of this ministry. As you know, we work with many individuals who are suffering from biblical broken-heartedness, which is known in the secular arena as Dissociative Identity Disorder. These are counselees who have suffered extreme trauma usually in childhood and at the height of the trauma the soul (heart of man) splits and an alter personality was formed to take the trauma. Healing involves dealing with the trauma that the alter personalities have endured as well as demonic activity which occurred during the worst of the traumatic event. So prayers are vital to success.

    The Lord Jesus Christ, the wonderful Counselor, died on the cross and rose victorious to pay the penalty for our sins. But also, to set the captives free, those in bondage to the forces of evil, and to heal the brokenhearted. So, there’s the victory that a counselee experiences in counseling. Jesus paid it all. When we see healing and victory during counseling it’s all because of Jesus who does amazing things for the counselee and their alter personalities.

    To God be the Glory,
    Great things He has Done
    “Thank you, dear Jesus,”

    Thanks to our prayer and financial partners for your continuing support. Without your help this ministry would not be available to the many who are hurting and need help and healing.

    Greetings from Roger and Diane

    Well, here we are. It’s Saturday, Jan. 11th and we are looking out the window at the snow and ice. Yes, that’s right, here in the deep south we have received about 2 inches of snow along with some ice. Actually, it’s beautiful and the temperature tonight is supposed to get down to a low of 21 degrees. Going to be cold going to church tomorrow morning. Last time we saw snow in the area was in late 2017.

    We need your prayers, not only for the Center, but also for some personal needs. I have a problem with my right foot and the orthopedic surgeon told me Friday that I need to be completely off it for three weeks to help with healing of a wound on the underside of the foot. That’s not too easy and I am using my knee scooter to try to get the job done. Diane has some medical needs also and I pray that you will keep us both in your prayers. Christmas and New Years went well and we were blessed to see Julie and her family and Gary and his family during the holidays. New Years eve we watched a movie before going to bed at midnight. Now we’ve begun a new year of life and ministry. As you may know, the counseling office is here in our home and all work is done over the internet utilizing ZOOM or SKYPE, and on occasion, if a counselee doesn’t have that capability, we use facetime when necessary.

    So, a New Year lies ahead along with my 80th birthday in June. Getting older but I haven’t found the word “retirement” in the Bible, so I plan on pressing forward serving the Lord as long as I am able, and He doesn’t tell me otherwise.

    God bless you,

    Newsletter December 1, 2024

    Center for Christian Counseling & Training

    National & International Ministry

    P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

      Dear Prayer and Financial Partners:

      Our blessed Lord has worked through you and many others to once again make the Center for Christian Counseling literally a worldwide ministry changing lives and bringing glory to God. This year has been no exception with 650 counseling sessions scheduled across the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

      Your partnership remains extremely important to us, but it’s even more critical to those we counsel and minister to. We turn no one away due to lack of ability to pay. As Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians,

      Galatians 6:9
      “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.”

      We ask that you consider a year end contribution and remind you that all 2024 contributions must be postmarked by December 31. Contributions postmarked after December 31 cannot be added to your 2024 giving record. Contributions can be mailed using the enclosed envelope and the slip on the back of this letter, by calling the Center and using a credit card, or through using the PayPal contributions button at the bottom of the home page.

      Once again, thank you for partnering with us in 2024 and we look forward to your continued partnership in this vital worldwide ministry in 2025. In January we will be sending out year end contribution reports for tax purposes. Have a great Christmas season; and in the busyness of this wonderful season, don’t forget to share the love of Jesus because that’s what the season is all about.

      Thank you once again for your friendship, partnership, and faithfulness.

      May our Lord richly bless you in the year ahead,

      Newsletter October 15, 2024

      Center for Christian Counseling & Training

      National & International Ministry

      P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

      Since September 15th
      we have Scheduled a
      total of 93 Counseling
      Sessions in Eleven States

      With the Halloween Season upon us, we are dealing with Teenagers with Counseling needs, a Couple Examples

      • A Mothers Concern for her 16-Year-Old Daughter — “My daughter has a history of seeing what she would call ghosts or demons through a car window starting when she was 4 years old, and in her room. Could you see her for morning appointments before she leaves for school?”
      • A Teenagers desire to be free from Spirit activity and Live Free in Christ — “I have evil spirits that are holding me back from living free in Jesus. I want to find complete freedom in Christ from the forces of evil that are attacking me.”

      New Book Just Published and Available Now in the online Store

      My latest book: Outside the Bible Box—Untangling Biblical Truth in the 21st Century is available now through our Website Book Store.

      The Evil of the Halloween Season

      My prayer is that this information will help in understanding the seriousness of Halloween. It is not to spoil children’s fun, but to ask the question: Shold we, as Christians, join in a festival whose history and practices are pagan and evil? Few understand the true nature and historic foundations of this occult celebration.

      Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults with the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.”

      October 31st is the highest unholy day for those in the occult. They believe that the separation between the natural and spiritual worlds is thinnest during this day, so the amount of evil supernatural activity is going to be greatest that day. Also, it is known that more sacrifice (animal and human) is carried out on October 31st among satanists than on all the other days of the year combined. We as Christians should be praying and conducting spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, binding the forces of darkness and asking God to protect our neighborhoods, cities, country, and citizens.

      If you would like more detailed information concerning this high satanist unholy day related to Halloween, then feel free to send us an email and we will attach a return PDF document.

      Thanks to our prayer and financial partners for your continuing support

      In the last week we have scheduled six young teens who are dealing with problems related to evil spirits. Without your help this ministry to them and others would not be possible and available.

      Greetings from Roger and Diane

      During this last month, as you know, there were two major hurricanes that hit Florida, Georgia, and into the Carolinas. We were concerned the first hurricane might head in our direction but we were so blessed that it didn’t. We live about 30 miles West of Atlanta in Dallas, Georgia (the area where Diane was born) and the damage was Atlanta East to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. We experienced no damage, just some moderate wind and rain.

      But, we had friends who live closer to the coast who suffered damage and it was several days before they had their electric back. And then our friends in Florida made it safely through the last Hurricane. God is good, there’s no doubt.

      Even though its fall Diane continues to enjoy, when the weather’s warm, working with her flowers out in the yard. She cut them back but they came out even more beautiful than this summer. She readily states that she does not have green thumb, but the yard says she does and so do I.

      This coming Friday evening we are going to drive to Talladega, Alabama and see our granddaughter Kye play in the High School marching band. It will be good to be with family we haven’t seen for sometime.

      As you can see from the number of counseling appointments the past 6 weeks, we are remaining busy.

      This week we will be going to early VOTE in what is probably the most critical national election in my lifetime. Please be sure to vote in this election.

      God bless you,

      Newsletter September 1, 2024

      Center for Christian Counseling & Training

      National & International Ministry

      P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

      Since July 15th
      we have Scheduled
      a total of 70
      Counseling Sessions
      in Nine States
      New Requests from those Seeking Counseling

      From Cooranbong, Australia
      I just came across your work in my renewed search for aid in dealing with my decades long struggle with dissociation and demonic attacks. I’m hoping you may be able to help me. My current circumstances are at university beginning ministerial and theological studies. I’m also currently financially challenged…

      From Georgia
      We have a friend, a teenager who is seeking counseling. I spoke and prayed with him this week. He has a single mom and they don’t have much money—but he has diagnoses of anxiety, major depressive disorder and panic disorder. He needs once a week counseling…

      From Florida
      I am reaching out because my 14-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with DID. I have her with a therapist who specializes in DID, however the therapist is not a Christian. Actually, my daughter isn’t either, but I am…

      New Book Just Published and Available Now in the online Store

      My latest book: Outside the Bible Box—Untangling Biblical Truth in the 21st Century is available now through our Website Book Store.

      Prayer & Financial Partners, Please Continue to Pray for the Ongoing Finances of the Center

      In the last Newsletter we explained the financial needs of the Center due to a decline in income with the economy in such a condition that counselees are understandably struggling financially, and we do not refuse counseling due to inability to pay.

      Therefore we were asking our prayer and financial partners to pray for our health, spiritual and physical safety, and that our needs will continue to be met at the Center.

      Any financial assistance that comes in we are always sure to thank our blessed Lord for because we know that He is the one that laid it on the heart of the individual to send a donation. And we have been so blessed in the past month as our partners responded to this need and are so appreciative of you as you listened to His guidance and responded accordingly. Thank you prayer and financial partners for all you have done and continue to do. We appreciate you so much.

      The finances came, both large and small, and we were able to bring everything up to date. We were so blessed by the response and the greetings from many. One doner wrote:
      “You are the most faithful people I know!! May the Lord bless you, keep you, and continue to uphold you!! I went through counseling for several years and it saved my life!! God sent you for me at such a time as this!! One life, He cared about…and you answered the call to come. I am thankful & grateful to our Great God and to you.”

      It’s all about our blessed Lord, Truly God is good.

      Greetings from Roger and Diane

      In last month’s newsletter I asked for prayers as I was going to have a procedure at the hospital that required that I be anesthetized and was told I may have to spend the night there. Thanks for your prayers. The procedure was successful, and I even did not have to stay overnight. God is good. Still in the healing phase, but it hasn’t kept me from my weekly counseling sessions. God is good.

      Diane is doing well and continues to enjoy, when the weather’s no too hot, working with her flowers out in the yard. She readily states that she does not have green thumb, but the yard says she does and so do I.

      I am thrilled that our grandson Jackson has begun studies in Aerospace Engineering at Alabama State University and is very into rockets and related studies. That thrills me because when I was in High School I built an amateur rocket, solid fuel which I launched under army supervision at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It produced 900# of thrust and flew to a height of 14,000’. He just today joined the rocket Club at the university. After I designed the rocket several companies at the time helped. Cincinnati Milling Machine turned the nozzle, General Electric loaned 2 asbestos suits when the rocket was test fired on a site we built on my aunt’s property, and Ryerson Steel donated the seamless steel tubing for the body of the rocket. Back in the early 60’s companies were willing to help with such projects with the thought that if the person got involved with NASA in the years ahead, that they might send a contract their way.

      I always have enjoyed building things and as a young adult over a two year period built a wood airplane powered by an old Volkswagen beetle engine, got it certified, and put about 100 hours of flight time on it before selling it.

      So you can understand why I am so proud of him and feel that in some small way I may have encouraged him along the line.

      God bless you all. We love and appreciate all of you and pray for our prayer and financial partners daily

      To God be the glory,

      Newsletter July 15, 2024

      Center for Christian Counseling & Training

      National & International Ministry

      P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

      Since June 1st we have Scheduled a total of 96 Counseling Sessions in Eleven States and Canada
      The Old Rugged Cross – The Emblem of Suffering & Shame

      The cross has significance in spiritual warfare. A friend of the ministry cuts 6” crosses out of wood for use by the Center. As we all know, the cross that represents Christianity has no figure of Jesus on it since He rose from the dead and is alive forevermore.

      We provide these crosses at no charge to counselees who are having spirit manifestations in their homes. It is a sign to the evil spirit realm of Who our faith is in, and when placed or hung in a room cuts down on the spirit activity. There is nothing special about the cross, but it represents a symbol of Who are faith is in.

      Recently, I received a call from the mother of a ten-year-old girl who thanked us for sending the cross to their daughter who we have been counseling and stated that the daughter is doing much better through the counseling and is seeing less spirit manifestations in her bedroom.

      New Book Just Published and Available Now in the online Store

      My latest book: Outside the Bible Box—Untangling Biblical Truth in the 21st Century is available now through our Website Book Store.

      Please be Praying for the Ongoing
      Finances of the Center

      In the last six months finances here at the Center have literally dropped 50%. Why is this? Why such a decline in income? Well, let me give a few examples.

      • The economy is such that both counselees and doners are understandably struggling financially.
      • Some of our counselees are not able to pay, or can pay very little and we never refuse counseling due to lack of ability to pay.
      • One elderly couple, for example is down to one meal a day, and although we counsel them weekly, they are unable to pay anything.

      Consequently, because the Center has expenses i.e. office supplies, phone, internet, liability insurance, annual licensing, etc., we are still able to pay Diane a small salary as office manager but I have not received a salary since the first of June.

      Therefore, we are asking our prayer and financial partners to pray for our health, spiritual and physical safety, and that our needs will continue to be met. And, as you are able, we would appreciate and thank you and the Lord for any financial help you could provide.

      Any financial assistance that comes in we are sure to thank our blessed Lord for because we know that He is the one who laid it on the heart of the individual to send a donation. And we are so appreciative of you as you listen to His guidance and respond accordingly. Thank you, prayer and financial partners, for all you do as you are able. We appreciate you all so very much.

      Greetings from Roger and Diane

      We would like to begin with a prayer request. I had the privilege of serving back in the late 90’s as interim pastor of Prairie Bible (Hutterthal) Church in South Dakota, a privilege I shall never forget. The farmers there are wonderful people. I ask that you pray for them during this time as there have been problems with the amount of rain and flooding of fields it has caused. Pray that they will have a great crop and harvest in the fall!

      Diane and I are doing well. One of her favorite things to do in the summer is to exercise her green thumb and work with her flowers in the yard.

      The bottom of my right foot has healed sufficiently so that the orthopedic surgeon has cleared me off the knee scooter around the house, but to use it if I am walking long distances. Church is one of the few times I still use the scooter as it is a long distance between Sunday School and Church. Actually, if I may say so myself, I have gotten pretty good in using it and a few Sundays ago was told by a couple ushers I was exceeding the speed limit! 😂 So that’s a blessing!

      Our youngest daughter, Julie, had a hip replacement recently and was in the hospital three nights,
      but is out now and recovering well. We were in Alabama helping with family to do whatever we could while she was in the hospital. I took my files and computer and did the scheduled counseling while there.

      I will be having a procedure done at the hospital on July 25th and may have to spend the night there after the event. I would appreciate your prayers as I will be anesthetized prior to the procedure.

      Thanks again for all you do. We appreciate all of our prayer and financial partners.

      To God be the glory,