Center for Christian Counseling & Training

National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404
As We Begin the New Year We have Counseling Sessions Scheduled in Eleven States and Australia

Attention Financial Partners
As a 501c3 non-profit ministry you will find enclosed with this newsletter your year end statement for tax purposes. If you have made a donation and there is no donation receipt showing the amount you donated during 2024, or if there is an error, then please call us as soon as possible so that we can get a new or corrected receipt to you. Our phone number is 321-269-0404. If there is no answer and you are directed to voicemail then leave a message and your phone number and we will return your call.
To show how important your donations are, the breakdown of income in 2024 of the total income was:
- 73.1% was from donations
- 26.9% was from counseling
The reason being that we do not refuse counseling to anyone due to lack of ability to pay. With the present economy there are many who are struggling financially but still need Christian counseling. Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.
Prayer Partners
Your partnership is also extremely vital to the ongoing success of this ministry. As you know, we work with many individuals who are suffering from biblical broken-heartedness, which is known in the secular arena as Dissociative Identity Disorder. These are counselees who have suffered extreme trauma usually in childhood and at the height of the trauma the soul (heart of man) splits and an alter personality was formed to take the trauma. Healing involves dealing with the trauma that the alter personalities have endured as well as demonic activity which occurred during the worst of the traumatic event. So prayers are vital to success.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the wonderful Counselor, died on the cross and rose victorious to pay the penalty for our sins. But also, to set the captives free, those in bondage to the forces of evil, and to heal the brokenhearted. So, there’s the victory that a counselee experiences in counseling. Jesus paid it all. When we see healing and victory during counseling it’s all because of Jesus who does amazing things for the counselee and their alter personalities.
To God be the Glory,
Great things He has Done
“Thank you, dear Jesus,”Thanks to our prayer and financial partners for your continuing support. Without your help this ministry would not be available to the many who are hurting and need help and healing.
Greetings from Roger and Diane

Well, here we are. It’s Saturday, Jan. 11th and we are looking out the window at the snow and ice. Yes, that’s right, here in the deep south we have received about 2 inches of snow along with some ice. Actually, it’s beautiful and the temperature tonight is supposed to get down to a low of 21 degrees. Going to be cold going to church tomorrow morning. Last time we saw snow in the area was in late 2017.
We need your prayers, not only for the Center, but also for some personal needs. I have a problem with my right foot and the orthopedic surgeon told me Friday that I need to be completely off it for three weeks to help with healing of a wound on the underside of the foot. That’s not too easy and I am using my knee scooter to try to get the job done. Diane has some medical needs also and I pray that you will keep us both in your prayers. Christmas and New Years went well and we were blessed to see Julie and her family and Gary and his family during the holidays. New Years eve we watched a movie before going to bed at midnight. Now we’ve begun a new year of life and ministry. As you may know, the counseling office is here in our home and all work is done over the internet utilizing ZOOM or SKYPE, and on occasion, if a counselee doesn’t have that capability, we use facetime when necessary.
So, a New Year lies ahead along with my 80th birthday in June. Getting older but I haven’t found the word “retirement” in the Bible, so I plan on pressing forward serving the Lord as long as I am able, and He doesn’t tell me otherwise.
God bless you,

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