Newsletter July 15, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

June 1st, 2023 to July 15th there were 97 Counseling Sessions Scheduled with 38% of them Cancelled

There were 97 hours of counseling scheduled between June 1st, and July 15th in 14 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted in Germany. However, 37 hours or 38% had to be cancelled due to illness.

It all began on June 2nd, my 78th Birthday when I was taken to the Emergency Room.

After spending 71/2 hours, I was released with a diagnosis of Pneumonia, and an infected wound on the bottom of my right foot. 2 antibiotics were prescribed. Then three days later I was notified that a blood culture had been completed and I was put on a third antibiotic which was then removed two days later as another doctor said it was not necessary and that the first two prescribed would be all that was necessary. After spending two weeks out of service and resting, I have slowly started seeing counselees again along with an orthopedic surgeon, and the family doctor. I am scheduled to see a Pulmonary Disease Doctor as follow-up after Pneumonia and a Rheumatologist to check for the possibility of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am feeling much better and have gotten back to a fairly regular counseling schedule in the last 2 weeks. The foot wound is still healing, and I am praying it is completely healed in short order.

Prayer and Financial Partners You are so Appreciated. Thank you!

Prayer partners, I appreciate your continued prayers. Financial partners, I do appreciate your donations to the Center as the finances are a little bit tight right now.

Contacted About Testifying as an Expert Witness in a Criminal Case in Illinois

An attorney in Illinois has contacted me about my willingness to testify in a pending criminal case involving a church ministry in Illinois, I have sent my curriculum vitae which reflects my experience giving expert testimony in criminal and family court. My last experience testifying in criminal court was testifying for the State of Florida in a case where I took the stand at 9:00 in the morning, and except for lunch break, was on the stand all day until court adjourned at 4pm. Time will tell whether I’ll be called.

Greetings from Roger and Diane Boehm

With pneumonia I was instructed to remain at home (except for doctor appointments and to rest. Additionally, due to the wound on the bottom of my right foot I was to remain off the foot with a wheelchair being ordered so that I could get around the house with Diane’s assistance. Well, that wasn’t going to work when we measured the doors inside the house as they were all too small to allow the wheelchair to pass through.  How about crutches we thought? No, a bad shoulder needing replacing. Well, OK, what about the knee scooter? Wrong again since the last time I needed a knee

scooter one of my replaced knees and the scooter, shall we say, didn’t get along well. Oh well! Just been staying off the foot just as much as I possibly can with Diane seeing that my needs are met by serving me as I sit in a recliner, and she served me. She has been wonderful.