Center for Christian Counseling & Training
Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404
E-Mail: DrRogerBoehm@gmail.com
121 Counseling Sessions from April 15th to June 1st 2023

There were 121 hours of counseling sessions between April 15th and June 1st in 14 states and internationally counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Germany. This is an increase since the last six-week period of 6 additional sessions. We scheduled new counselees in South Carolina, Virginia and California. Staying busy and thank you so much for your prayers.

Congratulations to our Latest Graduates who Recently Completed their Degrees through our Training Program
Andrew McCraw – recently completed our degree program and has received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Counseling through Colorado Theological Seminary and his license through the National Christian Counselors Association with an Advanced Certification in Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy.
Melony Kolody – previously completed her B.A. in Christian Counseling through the Center and has now just completed her Master’s Degree in Clinical Pastoral Counseling also through Colorado Theological Seminary. She is now licensed through the National Christian Counselors Association as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with an Advanced Certification in Crisis and Abuse Therapy. Although we offer a number of seminary options, both chose CTS for their degrees.

Our emphasis here at the Center is helping those in need of counseling regardless of ability to pay. However, we have been a Certified Academic Institution through the National Christian Counselor’s Association for over 20 years and, although we do not advertise and it is not the main thrust of our ministry, we will assist an individual interested in our degree program in Christian counseling and licensing. We offer degrees (Bachelor through Ph.D.) in Clinical Christian Psychology through a number of Seminaries at an extremely reduced price.
All Book Sale Proceeds by Roger Boehm go to help Support the Ongoing Ministry of the Center

Over 20 books have been written to date since the inception of the Center in 1997. Most of these books are in stock and available through the Center’s website store which gives a description of the content of each book.
Greetings from Roger and Diane
Greetings to all of our friends, relatives, and prayer and financial partners. We pray that you all are safe, healthy and happy.
We are doing fairly well all things considered. Diane is loving the warmer weather and the ability to get out in the yard and work with keeping her flowers watered and the bushes trimmed. In addition to that she works on keeping me well fed (oh what a good cook she is) and helping to see that my needs are met as do I toward her. 45 years of marriage coming up this year and we have stuck to our marriage vows through thick and thin. I am blessed.
I’ll be 78 on June 2nd and as I think back on my life it has been a challenge, an adventure and a blessing. I built an amateur rocket in High school and launched it under Army supervision at Ft. Knox Kentucky to an altitude of 14,000 feet. In early adulthood I built an airplane out wood, powered by a VW Beetle engine, got it approved by the FAA and flew it about 100 hours. I also flew as a commercial pilot in general aviation and was blessed with children.
But at age 33, as I look back, life truly began when I placed my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Three months later God called me into the ministry and Dian and I have been on an adventure ever since. We have been called into pastoral ministry in Alabama, Missouri, Minnesota, south Dakota, and Florida. We have served as missionaries with the Home Mission Board and have obtained seven degrees including three doctorate degrees in Theology and Christian Psychology. We’ve also conducted training and evangelistic meetings in Haiti, West Africa and Cuba and have counseled individuals via video technology on six continents. We are still active today, as you know, counseling individuals across the U.S. and other countries as well as assisting as a Clinical Supervisor to those desiring training, licensing and degrees in the area of Christian Counseling.

It has been an unbelievable adventure and a blessing. Jesus is still the wonderful Counselor and I enjoy working as a facilitator as He brings about healing. It has been a joy and a challenge serving Jesus. I hope someday He will say to me at the Judgement Seat of Christ “well done faithful servant” and I pray the same for all our partners. When will I be retiring? Still haven’t found that word in the Bible. Let’s all keep serving Jesus until the Lord calls us home or the Rapture occurs, and that could be soon!
God bless you all,