Newsletter January 15, 2024

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

During the last five weeks, having taken a break between Christmas & New Years, we scheduled a total of 73 Counseling Sessions in ten States

Additionally, we have recently received inquiries from Canada and a referral from Australia. We are awaiting intake forms at this time.

Different Counseling Environments

It’s interesting the different environments in which I have worked with counselees seeking privacy as we work online. Some include parking in McDonalds parking lot and connecting with their internet, in a deer stand in the woods, in their cars in a remote location, driver meeting with me on her School bus, on a boat on a lake, in a prison with the permission of authorities, and in a private Christian University where, even though they had counselors, set up each week a private area where we could counsel a student via internet.

New Book Just Published and Available Soon

My latest book: Outside the Bible Box—Untangling Biblical Truth in the 21st Century will be available soon through our Website Book Store. More information to come in next newsletter.

Prayer & Financial Partners

Income dropped in 2023 due to health issues which caused at first a slowdown and then a halt in counseling for a period of time. But thanks to our faithful prayer partners and financial supporters who have been a vital part of this ministry through the years, donations continue to be fairly steady. Jesus has led you, and you have faithfully followed His direction. Thank you once again for all you have done through the years, and for not giving up on this ministry through the difficult times in 2023, but continued to do as the Lord lead. Thank you sooooo much. And to God be the glory.

Jesus is Amazing!

I have to tell you what happened recently that shows Jesus is even concerned about the small details in our lives. I had to take Diane to see a doctor and it was horrible weather and greater than 2 inches of rain had already fallen. The wind was blowing over 20 mph, and there were storms in the area. From past experience I knew the doctor’s office was located with a large parking lot which was usually full of cars making it hard to find a parking spot.

And I was to drop Diane off, then park the car and walk to the doctor’s office in these weather conditions. So I prayed and asked Jesus to give us a parking spot right in front of this doctors outside door. Pulling into the facility the lot was full of cars. However, 20 feet from the door was a parking place. Perfect! Thank you Lord! Some may say it was just a coincidence, but having experienced His love so many times both in the large needs and the small needs, I know it was no coincidence. Thank you Jesus once again. He loves and cares for His children. He loves all of you just as much. He will never leave or forsake us so put all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

Greetings from Roger and Diane

Diane and I would like to wish you a happy, and prosperous New Year and, as always, we pray for all of you daily, our prayer and financial partners, that our blessed Lord will bless you abundantly in 2024. We had a blessed Christmas season spending time with family over Christmas, and then, the Saturday night of New Years weekend I was sitting there watching television and the doorbell rang. I thought, who could that be? I wasn’t expecting anyone.

(It turns out Diane knew more than I did). When I went to the door to my amazement there stood daughters Angela and Melissa and granddaughter Madelyn looking in at me. What a pleasant surprise it was. They had Informed Diane earlier of their impending trip from Ohio but, as sometimes happens, I was left in the dark about the visit.

Adding to the evening, Julie and her family came in later and so we had a pleasant house full. Needless to say beds were scarce but we made do. Now we are looking forward to a new year of serving the Lord in counseling with His assistance. Afterall, Jesus is the wonderful counselor and I’m not. I always remind counselees of the fact that they need Him more than they do me, as I see myself only as a facilitator while Jesus leads in the counseling. And, I might add, He is an amazing counselor. Donation tax receipts are enclosed. If you have any questions or there is an error please give us a call and we will correct accordingly. Once again we would like to thank all our prayer and financial partners for your support during 2023 and ask that you please continue to partner as our blessed Lord Jesus directs in 2024. God bless you.

God bless you!