Children in Danger

Includes: PowerPoint Presentation with 245 Color Illustrated slides and 6×9, 231 page Spiral-bound Reference Book complete with PP Slides and Notes in B&W as a Leaders Guide
The presentation is constantly updated with the latest in Satan’s moral assault on our children. The presentation is meant to educate adults and is not recommended for viewing by children and teens. Included are such subjects as the occults, dangerous computer and playstation games, sexual issues, lucid dreaming, texting, choking game, Satanism, music themes and dangers, and suggested children & teen books as well as what God teaches about such things, and how youth can decide what’s right and wrong.
Presentation can be shown in multiple sessions.
Recommended Donation: $60.00 + $5.
Spiritual Warfare & Your Family

Includes: PowerPoint Presentation with 229 Color Illustrated Slides and 8 1/2 x 11 184 page Spiral-bound Leader’s Guide complete with PP Slides in B&W
Subject areas include: A Basic Understanding of Spiritual Warfare, 83 slides; Insights into Christians Under Demonic Influence, 45 slides; Spiritual Warfare and the Family, 49 slides; and The Church’s Response to Spiritual Warfare, 52 slides.
Presentation can be shown in multiple sessions.
Recommended Donation: $55.00 + $5.00 S&H