Center for Christian Counseling & Training
Celebrating 23 Years of National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404
E-Mail: DrRogerBoehm@gmail.com
A Call from a Youth Pastor in a Spiritual Battle
I received an e-mail from a youth pastor recently asking if I was Roger, the one talked about in the book by Chad Norris, a Baptist minister. I was not aware of his book but I did remember a visit he and his wife made to our office while we were still in Florida several years ago.
Responding in the affirmative the individual quickly sent in the Center’s intake forms so that he could start counseling. It caused me to wonder what books are out there that we are mentioned in and what Chad Norris had said about his encounter with us. So here are the books I am aware of at this time:
Out of the Ashes — A Forged Faith Journey in Confronting and Overcoming Evil.
By: Hannah S. Brown
Deliverance to Destiny — The Split Child out of Darkness into Light.
By: Sharon Ganz
Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher — How Jesus Flipped My World Upside Down.
By: Chad Norris
Mama Janes’ Secret — Walking in Deep Fellowship with Jesus.
By: Chad Norris
As is pointed out in these books, Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor and He is amazing when He counsels.
The following are excerpts from the Book “Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher” by Chad Norris
My problems were not just physical and emotional…I was also going through a season of spiritual warfare…I was learning more about the spiritual realm, and that included the enemy attacks. Among other nightmares, I could sense that our house had a dark presence in it….the spiritual battle seemed to have no answers. I did not know of a single church that I could go to for help. Can you imagine walking up to a pastor and saying, “Pastor, a presence of evil is living in our house. Could you come take a look?” Me, either.
But then something happened for Wendy and me that changed everything. In a random encounter at an event at which I was speaking, I met a woman who gave me her dad’s business card. He was a counselor in Titusville, Florida, and he understood spiritual attacks. So Wendy and I drove nine hours to seek Roger’s help. Desperation, as I said earlier, does not seem to move God, but it sure will move a person.
When we arrived at Roger’s office, I was on the edge of sliding out of touch with reality. I had loved Jesus most of my life, but I could not explain why I was going through what I was going through, I was scared.
I kept thinking, How pathetic is it that I have to drive all of this way to meet with someone because I can’t figure out what is going on with me? I had had some rough spots with Jesus but this was one of the toughest.
Roger welcomes my wife (who was now eight months pregnant) and me into his office. He then explained that he was going to invite Jesus to help us during the next three hours. I know, novel concept. We prayed through various things in my past that I told him about, and then it happened. Roger was leading me in a prayer, when out of nowhere Jesus walked up to me in a vision and said, “I’m your Healer; trust me.”
This was not an impression or a mental image; I was seeing Him. I had never heard of anything like this before. Jesus was about 5-foot-11 and 180 pounds. He had light brown hair, a light beard and wore a white tunic. Angels stood on either side of Him.
One of them had a huge sword and the other did not….As He looked at me, His eyes pierced through me with violent gentleness. It was overpowering. It is a waste of time to try to describe what His love was like. I simply cannot.
But what I am telling you is true. I saw Jesus that day. If you want to chuck this book in the trash, I understand. I have always been skeptical when people write about things like this. Yet, it happened.
And it was not only that I saw Him; Jesus came to me and held me close. I have never felt love like that in my life. I hit the floor. My wife, alarmed, asked, “What happened?” It was a while before I could speak.
If at this point you think I was crazy, I understand. I thought I was crazy, too. But it happened. I have been reluctant to talk about that day too much because I thought people would find it hard to believe. I never want to come across as an idiot. So I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut about the encounter. I was not at a worship service. I was not caught up in some glory cloud. I was a conservative type of guy with a health problem. I was a Baptist to the core who secretly never wanted to walk out on the waters of anything that would draw attention.
Yet in that one moment, everything changed in me. I cannot tell you how many times I prayed to Jesus: “Wreck me with who You are. I want all of You. Show me who You are.” I know I never expected Jesus to answer those prayers of mine like that. Yet Jesus Christ of Nazareth walked up to me in an open vision. That was way out of my comprehension. I had no paradigm for it.
I have heard many times, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good.” It might be truer that we are so earthly minded that heaven has a hard time doing much good through us.
I have been asking the Lord to get me to a place in my life where I can live consistently with one ear there and one here. In Roger’s office that day, I discovered that that is the only way to live.
When I saw the Lord, His love knocked me out of my chair. It was not a handshake love. It was a messy, wild, compassionate, deep perfect love. It was the kind of love that makes you not care what anyone else in the world thinks of you. Because of that experience, I can see why the early Christians laughed as Nero burned them at the stake. They had such revelation of the love of God that they did not care even about death. When I say I felt love, it is an understatement. All I could say to Wendy, when I could speak, was, “He is so full of love.”
Ten years later I can still picture Him the way He looked that day. As I mentioned, I have told this story only rarely. A few weeks ago, I was talking about these events from the stage of our church, including the warfare details, and a man got up and took his three kids out of the service. He will probably never come back to our church.
Maybe part of the reason that stories like this are hard to comprehend is that so many individuals have been manipulated in the name of Jesus. Perhaps it is also because people know Jesus from a historical standpoint rather than as a present-tense Savior.
To Jesus be All Glory!