Center for Christian Counseling & Training
Celebrating 23 Years of National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404
Last Six Weeks have been Extremely Busy
There were 97 counseling appointments scheduled in the last six weeks, probably the busiest period in the 24 year history of the counseling center.
These counseling sessions were with counselees in 12 states, New Zealand, and Australia. Most involved issues with biblical brokenheartedness, splitting of the soul generally due to extreme trauma in early childhood (known in the secular world as multiple personalities), and issues with evil spirits (Ephesians 6:10).
Current Requests
From Massachusetts
A request for an evaluation on a 15 year old daughter.
From Australia
“As a minister of the Gospel I have worked with several of those coming out of Satanic Ritual Abuse. I have worked with a lady at 65 years old who is only new in the Lord one year. She is coming out of a deep cultish religion and has several alter personalities. Though she has come along well, the next phase would be with someone like you. Am hoping we can make contact and organize a process to begin.”
From Alabama
I have lived my whole life with multiple personalities since I was age 8 and have tried everything there is to “change,”
But now realize it was the wrong kind of help. I believe God will heal each “piece/personality individually so that eventually I can feel and act whole again. Will you please help me with this.”
From Florida
A request from a parent to evaluate a 14 year old boy who they believe is demonized and may have multiple personalities.
From Minnesota
“I found your website when I was searching for help with my Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities / biblical brokenheartedness) which I have struggled with for many years. I have attached a completed registration form and am hopeful that you have an opening to counsel me. My sessions would need to be online because I live in Minnesota. I am hoping I can qualify for your sliding scale fee. (we never turn anyone away due to inability to pay thanks to our financial partners.)
From Colorado
“My son is suffering from multiple personalities and I realize the only person who can help him at this point is our blessed Lord Jesus. I believe if there is no miraculous intervention in my son’s life that he will commit suicide. The stress of him living with me is intolerable. He says if I send him to a mental institution again he will definitely take his life. He has had no help there. My son is so thin and pale. He is not eating and
I fear for his physical health. He only wants to die and does not care about anything or anyone. He now reports that he does not believe in the gospel or eternal Hell. You sent me a prayer for possible demonic bondage, and I am so grateful for it. Would you be willing to help him further with counseling?”
And a “Thank You”
“Thank you for our session today. You are God sent to me. As we go along, I see the Lord confirming some of my thoughts and intuitions that I had over the years. I am praying that the Lord would set my wife free from the heavy religious spirits and others that plague her.”
A Personal Note from Roger & Diane
We are doing well. In mid February we spent a couple days over a long weekend in Talladega with Julie and family. Then we had friends visiting for a couple nights from east Georgia. We always enjoy having family and friends visiting. Then the first part of last week Julie, Kye and Jackson were visiting for about five days. I had the opportunity to continue to go driving with 15 year old Jackson. He has only had his temporary license for a few weeks and needed to get some practice so this time I took him out on Interstate 20 to have that experience. He is doing well and should be a good driver.
Diane and I are in fair health. We both are experiencing some old age aches and pains and I am going to be having my left hip replaced soon. I have been told that the hip replacement is now outpatient surgery. How times have changed!
One more great-grand child added to the list this past weekend. Little Riley Ann weighed in at 5# 12ozs. She is grandson Blake and Maria’s daughter.
I had the privilege of marrying the two of them last year.
It was at a marriage venue and as you can see, Blake’s dog walked down the aisle with the wedding party.
We are so proud of all our children, grand-
children and great-grand- children. Family are a blessing from the Lord. I just wish we could see all our family on a more regular schedule, but then, distance is a big factor.