Center for Christian Counseling & Training
In our 26th Year of National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404
E-Mail: DrRogerBoehm@gmail.com
July 15th to September 1 –
65 Counseling Sessions were Scheduled
A Counseling LOW for 1 1/2 Months — But Why?

Included were Sessions in Germany
Why So Few Sessions?
After the Emergency Room episode on my birthday, June 2nd, I was instructed to consult with a Rheumatologist and a Pulmonary Medicine Doctor, I was already consulting with an Orthopedic Surgeon who was treating a wound on the bottom of one of my feet and I had been instructed to remain completely off the foot.
My appointment with the Pulmonary Medicine Doctor turned out to be a surprise. He diagnosed me with Lung Disease and scheduled additional tests. He also was able to go back through records to find old chest x-rays and informed me that the disease was showing up as far back as 5 years ago but I was never informed by my family doctor who had ordered the test.
That appointment with the Pulmonary Medicine doctor took place on July 25th.
Then on August 9th I had an appointment with a Rheumatologist who diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was familiar with Arthritis which has played havoc with my joints for years, but this? Interesting! I had been experiencing a lot of pain for some time and had recently been given a steroid prescription by my family doctor until I could complete this appointment. The Rheumatologist gave me steroid medication also, and it has helped reduce the pain while at the same time being told by all of them that the medication would inhibit the healing of the open wound on the bottom of the foot. I had been off my foot for 2+ months now. With all the doctor appointments, tests, having to remain immobile and at home, and the pain, I chose to concentrate on getting well and therefore greatly reduced the counseling sessions during the last six weeks.
Then this past Monday I had a follow-up appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon who has been seeing me every couple weeks to keep close eye on my foot. Monday, he did release me to walk on that foot in house only. I am not to walk out in the yard even but just small steps room to room. I will be seeing him again next week for a recheck.
On September 8th I have a virtual appointment with the Rheumatologist then on 19th of September more tests and an appointment with the Pulmonary Doctor.
So, What Lies Ahead in Ministry

For the last month I have chosen to greatly reduce my counseling in order to concentrate on getting my health under control. Now 9 doctor appointments and other tests later I am ready to move forward. Around the 1st of August I notified my counselees that I would not be available, with a few major exceptions, to see them until the first of September due to my health. I made reference to another Christian Counselor if they preferred.
I will begin seeing counselees beginning Monday, September 4th. I know, it’s Labor Day but the two I will be seeing have many needs and I cannot ignore them.
I would be hopeful that our prayer and financial partners would continue with us so that we can get back to the ministry the Lord Jesus has placed us in for 26+ years now and which we plan to continue serving Him in as long as health permits and He tarries His return at the rapture of the Church.
Prayer partners please consider keeping us in your daily prayers both for our health and for the counselees nationally and internationally.
Prayer and Financial Partners You are so Appreciated. Thank you!

Financial partners, we would not have made it through the last six weeks had it not been for your prayerful support. We thank the Lord each day for His leadership in directing
all of our prayer and financial partners to give. We know the prayers and financial support are coming in as partners listen to the Lord and follow His leading. Thank you partners and thank you dear Jesus.
Please Continue to give as our blessed Lord Jesus directs. God bless you!

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