Newsletter January 15, 2023

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

111 Counseling Sessions
Dec 1st 2022 to Jan 15th 2023

There were 111 hours of counseling scheduled in 14 states between December 1st, 2022, and January 15th, 2023, and international counseling sessions were conducted with counselees in Canada, Hungary, Germany, and Romania.

Thank You Prayer & Financial Partners

Thank you for helping make this ministry possible by your continued prayer and financial support. You are appreciated by us and those we serve in the Name of the Lord.

The following is a “thank you” I received a week ago. It was addressed to me but is actually pointed toward each of you also as you help keep this ministry available through your prayers and finances to those who are hurting and in need. So, I’ll share part of it with you.

Hi Dr. Boehm:
Everything is going well and I finally had the opportunity to sit down with my youngest daughter…I feel like our relationship is in a much better place. I really enjoy meeting with you and I anticipate I will schedule a follow up appointment at some point.

I can’t say thank you enough for all of your help and encouragement. God has really used you to help me through this season, and I am so grateful.

Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor
and He is Absolutely Amazing

This past week I was counseling a young man via Facetime who was sitting in his car when all of a sudden, he started telling me that Jesus was sitting in the other front seat. He started to describe the peace and love he felt coming from Jesus’ presence with him. Needless to say, it touched my being too. It reminded me of the experience a young Baptist preacher wrote in his book Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher by Chad Norris. In chapter 6, pages 92-95 he describes an encounter with Jesus he experienced in my office while receiving counseling.

Among other nightmares, I could sense that our house had a dark presence in it…The spiritual battle seemed to have no answers. I did not know of a single church I could go to for help…But then something happened for Wendy and me that changed everything. In a random encounter at an event at which I was speaking, I met a woman who gave me her dad’s business card. He understood spiritual attacks. So Wendy and I drove nine hours to seek Roger’s help. Desperation does not seem to move God, but it sure will move a person. And when you move quickly toward Him, you seem to find Him more quickly…

When we arrived in Roger’s office, I was on the edge of sliding out of touch with reality. I had loved Jesus most of my life, but I could not explain why I was going through what I was going through. I was scared…and then it happened. (continued)

Roger was leading me in a prayer when, out of nowhere, Jesus walked up to me in a vision and said, “I’m your Healer; trust Me.” This was not an impression or a mental image; I was seeing Him. Angels stood on either side of Him. One of them had a large sword and the other did not…

And here I was looking at Him. As He looked at me, His eyes pierced through me with violent gentleness. It was overpowering. It is a waste of time to try to describe what His love was like. I simply cannot. But what I am telling you is true: I saw Jesus that day…I have always been skeptical when people write about things like this. Yet, it happened. And it was not only that I saw Him, Jesus came to me and held me close. I have never felt love like that in my life. I hit the floor. My wife, alarmed, asked, ‘What happened?’ It was a while before I could speak. When I saw the Lord, His love knocked me out of my chair. It was not a handshake love. It was a messy, wild, passionate, deep, perfect love. It was the kind of love that makes you not care what anyone else in the world thinks about you. Because of that experience, I can see why the early Christians laughed as Nero burned them at the stake. They had such revelation of the love of God that they did not care even about death.

Jesus is truly the wonderful Counselor and I consider myself more a facilitator between Him and the counselee. Jesus never fails to amaze and bless me as I work with counselees, and I look forward to His soon second coming.

My only prayer is that I may hear Him say to me at the Judgment Seat of Christ “Well done, good and faithful servant.

A Personal Note from
Roger & Diane

Diane and I are doing well. We had planned to go north over Christmas and visit family but the weather and my hip prevented us from doing that. We did however, get to see most of the children over the Holidays.

This past week I had an injection in my right hip guided by a fluoroscope, but the doctor hit a nerve with the deadening medication and my leg when into la-la land for three hours. I must admit it was a strange feeling not having any ability to move the leg. Because Diane has a hard time driving at night and we were about 40 miles from home, they agreed to load me in our car and have Diane drive home before it got too dark. By about 10pm my leg was awake and I was able to walk on it. By the next day everything was back to normal. Such is life. Not feeling any pain now in my hip which should last about another 3-4 months based on past experience.

We’ve had some very cold weather the last few weeks. It has gotten as low as 6 degrees recently here in the Atlanta area and Diane just

tolerates (sort of) cold weather. Remember us in prayer please.

God bless you all,

Newsletter December 1, 2022

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

Christmas Greetings to all our Prayer and Financial Partners

Dear Prayer and Financial Partners:

Our blessed Lord has worked through you and many others to make the Center literally a worldwide ministry changing lives and bringing glory to God. Through these 25 years of ministry the Lord has opened the doors to minister in 18 countries on six continents as well as 27 states across the United States. We are truly a worldwide ministry.

We were incorporated as a no-profit religious corporation in South Dakota in 1997 and presently operate in Georgia as a foreign corporation under the Secretary of State. And so in this, our 25th year of ministry, the Lord continues to work through CFCC in ways we never imagined twenty-five years ago in the lives of individuals nationally and worldwide.

Your partnership remains important to us, but its even more imperative to those we counsel and minister to. As Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians,”And let us not lose heart in dong good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” (Galatians 6:9).

We ask that you consider a year end contribution and remind you that all 2022 contributions must be postmarked by December 31. Contributions received or postmarked after December 31 cannot be added to your 2022 giving record. Contributions can be mailed using the enclosed envelope and the slip on the back of this letter, by calling the Center (see Contact page) and using a credit card, or through our website using the PayPal contributions button at the bottom of the home page.

Once again, thank you for partnering with us in 2022 as we look forward to your continued partnership in this vital worldwide ministry in 2023. In January we will be sending out year-end contribution reports for tax purposes. Have a great Christmas season; and in the busyness of this wonderful season, don’t forget to share the love of Jesus, because that’s what it’s all about.

God bless you all,

Twenty-five Years of Ministry in the United States
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
South Carolina
South Dakota
Worldwide Twenty-Five Years of Ministry on Six Continents
United Arab Emirates
Cameroon, West Africa
North Vietnam
New Zealand
Great Britain
Dominican Republic

Newsletter October 15, 2022

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

September 1 to October 15, there were 117 Counseling Sessions

There were 117 hours of counseling scheduled between September 1 and October 15th in 16 states and internationally. Additionally, I was asked by one of our counselees to give testimony in a case involving her to the Orange County DA’s Office in California. There were also counseling sessions continuing with counselees in Canada, England, and Hungary.

As usual, most involved issues with biblical brokenheartedness (D.I.D.) as well as demonization issues. The Bible states that one of the reasons Jesus suffered, died, and rose again from the dead victorious was to “heal the brokenhearted.” And He absolutely does. Wish you could be here to witness the healing as He works.

Latest Book has Gone to the Publisher and I am awaiting the Proof Copy

The book is titled “Now and Beyond” and is a look at the current lukewarm Laodicean Church period and the future glory for the believer in Jesus Christ.

The book goes into the messages to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 with special emphasis on the current final church period in which we are living, the Laodicean or lukewarm church. Then the sign of the return of Jesus and the rapture of the church as stated by Jesus Himself and the evidence of it right now in this present time. Remember that Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be before the coming of the Son of man. Then a section on the born-again believer’s eternal glorious future which include chapters on the heavenly thrones, the judgment seat of Christ, the marriage of the Lamb, the battle of Armageddon and the 1000-year kingdom reign of Jesus including the form & seat of government, the temple and its worship, the three people groups, and the seven new things as we move into eternity.

The book contains 98 pages and ends with an expository essay written by my granddaughter last year when she was in the seventh grade at a public school.


The title was “Why I live a life of faith and love” as she lives by the motto “make heaven crowded.” Evangelism is so important as we near the end of the final church period. Let’s all concentrate on what’s important in these last days, making heaven crowded and Bringing God Glory.

Thank You Prayer & Financial Partners

Thank you for helping make this ministry possible by your continued prayer and financial support.

You are so appreciated by us and those we serve in the Name of the Lord and do know that you are prayed for daily.

Personal Note from —
Roger & Diane

I received a shot in the right hip a couple weeks ago to relieve the pain and it seems to have had the desired effect. Diane saw one of her “favorite doctors,” the DENTIST for a routine checkup. I visited my orthopedic surgeon after the shot and he and I agreed for now just leave things be, no surgery. (sounds good to me!) Daughter Melissa will be having an 8-hour layover in Atlanta on her way to Central America in a few days and so we will be picking her up at the airport and taking the opportunity to spend some time visiting and catching up on family news. We have been invited to attend the Gideon dinner on the 22nd. They do a tremendous work in circulating Bible and New Testaments around the world. In fact, we have received New Testaments from the Gideons in Florida when we would go to Haiti to lead medical missions and preach evangelistic meetings in the evening. Fall is arriving and the accompanying cool weather and hopefully, a little snow as the winter progresses. Haven’t seen snow in about 4 years and I, emphasis “I” am missing some of it. Diane loves the warm weather and enjoys working in the yard with her flowers, and the hummingbirds. Oh, one final note, please be in prayer for a man being brought in from North Carolina on the 20th as I lead a team from our church in dealing with an evil spirit that is absolutely tormenting him.

God bless you all,

Newsletter September 1, 2022

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

July 15 to Sept1, Counseling Increased once again from 113 to 126 Sessions

We had stated in the last newsletter that there were 113 hours of counseling scheduled between June 1st and July 15th in 12 states and internationally. To date it was then the highest number of appointments for a month and a half on record but this current period the number of sessions increased even more.

There were also counseling sessions continuing with counselees in Canada and Romania. Additionally, we began counseling with an individual in Essex, England.

As usual, most involved issues with biblical brokenheartedness (D.I.D.) as well as demonization issues. The Bible states that one of the reasons Jesus suffered, died, and rose again from the dead victorious was to “heal the brokenhearted.” And He absolutely does. Wish you could be here to witness the healing as He works.

Thursday Evening Bible Study on ZOOM has been Postponed

Last winter I conducted a Thursday evening Bible study via ZOOM which had individuals from the United States and Australia in attendance. There was no charge for the study which lasted for several months and was a study on what the future holds for the Christian as shown in the fabulous book of Revelation. So many believers want to know what the future holds for them, and as there is so much misunderstanding about the future, Revelation was the place to go to find peace and understanding and what the Lord’s plan is for us.

I now have the study in book form titled “A Study of the Book of Revelation with Relation to the Christian.” The manuscript is 138 pages long and should be published within the next few months. I was planning to begin the Thursday evening Bible study on ZOOM in September. However, counseling has increased significantly for right now and so I am going have to hold off beginning the study. As soon as I am able, I will begin the new study titled “A Study of Accurately Handling the Word of Truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). The purpose of this series of studies is to confirm in the Faith those who may be questioning or desiring to strengthen their understanding of biblical truths and how to rightly divide the Word, and to instruct those who desire more clarity in the great cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith in these final days of Apostacy.

Thank You Prayer & Financial Partners

Thank you for helping make this ministry possible by your continued prayer and financial support.

You are so appreciated by us and those we serve in the Name of the Lord and do know that you are prayed for daily.


Personal Note from —
Roger & Diane

Needless to say, it has been a busy six weeks here at home. The main office for the Center is located in one room of our house since nearly all sessions are national and international and are completed through ZOOM or SKYPE.

Scheduling can become a challenge at times as we are working with counselees in time zones around the world. I was asked to speak to a Church in Australia at their Wednesday evening service several months ago. To do that I had to be ready to speak on ZOOM by 6am on Wednesday as Melbourne is 13 hours ahead of us. We schedule everything based on our Eastern time. Zone.

Then there was the individual in Astonia which is located in northeastern Europe on the Russian border. I would work with this individual after he got off work at 9:00pm which was 3:00pm our time. He did not have internet so he would stand in the dark, heavy coat and hat, to protect against the cold, on the steps to the city library so as to have internet access.

When counseling an individual in North Vietnam I would be ready to begin counseling at 8:00am which was 8:00pm their time. That was the best time for her to do counseling based on her job and other issues.

Medically we are generally doing well although there are those aches and pains as we move along serving our Lord as best we can. I have another hip which is going to need replacing but for now they are going to do an injection in it using some type of x-ray to make sure they get the injection in the right place. Slowly becoming more bionic (don’t be jealous fellas). Already replaced are 2 knees, 1 hip, and 1 shoulder. I would think Diane would be impressed living with a bionic man but …….. Oh well!

We are going to be spending a few days at Julie’s house in Alabama to try to be helpful to her and the family there. I will take my computer and counselee files with me and set up shop in the bedroom at Julie’s as the counseling load continues.

One final note. We truly appreciate your prayers and financial support which helps us to continue to serve those who are hurting and in need. Regardless of their ability to pay for counseling we never refuse anyone due to their financial problems. This is only possible through your continued partnership with us.

God bless you all,

Newsletter July 15, 2022

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404

June 1 to July 15, Counseling Increased to 113 Sessions

There were 113 hours of counseling scheduled between June 1st and July 15th.. We thought the previous period from April 15th to June 1st was the highest number of appointments for a month and a half on record but then this period the number of sessions increased even more.

Counseling sessions were with counselees in 12 states, Canada and Romania. As usual, most involved issues with biblical brokenheartedness (D.I.D.) as well as demonization issues. The Bible states that one of the reasons Jesus suffered, died, and rose again from the dead victorious was to “heal the brokenhearted.” And He absolutely does. Wish you could be here to witness the healing as He works.

Here is a Statement on an Application Requesting Counseling Received a Couple Weeks Ago

“If my phone isn’t shut off by then… I am not doing well financially. Work was slow for months while trying to go to school and I got behind, extremely behind. I’m exhausted trying to get caught up while taking care of my children all by myself. I don’t have anyone. The stress is getting worse & way to overwhelming. It’s not good to be alone. Please help me.” We are working with this individual now via FACETIME at no cost thanks to our prayer and financial partners! Thank you!

It’s Official: The Center is now a PayPal Confirmed Charity

As you may know, the Center for Christian Counseling has been recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit organization since shortly after our inception back in 1997 in South Dakota. In fact, we are still listed as a South Dakota non-profit Corporation doing business now in Georgia and recognized by the state as a Foreign Corporation.

A week ago our charitable status was finally confirmed by PayPal which handles payments and donations made by Credit Card for us. By having been confirmed by them we will benefit from a discounted processing rate and a verified checkmark.

In addition to sending a check to the Center, Credit Card donations can be made by calling the Center or by going to our website (see above) and clicking on the PayPal donation button at the bottom of the homepage. Either way know that your financial assistance is greatly appreciated.


Prayer and Financial Partners

As always, a great big “THANK YOU.” Our ability to continue moving forward in ministry is possible thanks in large part to your continued prayers and financial support. You all have been such a great blessing through the years. One woman I am counseling with in Texas is homeless, has three small children, and is a victim of Sa￾tanic Ritual Abuse trauma. We do not refuse anyone due to inability to pay and thus your donations to the Center are vital to the ability to keep moving forward for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Personal Note from —
Roger & Diane

We were invited by a couple friends, Jim & Pam from Florida, whom we have grown to love, to join them for a few days in a cabin in the North Carolina Mountains. We drove up to the cabin on Sunday. It was nestled in a dense wooded area and was teeming with deer.

On Monday we drove into Bryson City, NC and caught the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad train for a five-hour ride through the Nantahala Gorge. The train consisted of about 13 cars, of which we rode one that was open on the sides. Lunch was served on the train as well as drinks and snacks. It was a wonder day of lakes and mountain beauty and at the midpoint we had a one-hour layover right along the river. We went across a couple bridges over large lakes and at one point the train slowed to 5 mph in order to safely climb a steep grade.

Then on Tuesday we drove to Field of the Woods, a religious park which, among other sights, has a 300’ wide 10 Commandments on the side of a mountain with 326 steps in the middle going to the top. Both days and the fellowship with Jim & Pam was extremely interesting and enjoyable.

[Photo credit: Field of the Woods]

We truly serve an amazing Lord!

God bless you all,