Center for Christian Counseling & Training
Celebrating 25 Years of National & International Ministry
P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132
Office: 321-269-0404
Last 6 Weeks Continue to be Busy with Counseling Nationally & Internationally
There were 87 counseling appointments scheduled in the last seven weeks. Two were 2 hour ZOOM appointments to assist a counselor in another state during two of his sessions with a heavily demonized individual.
The counseling sessions were with counselees in 11 states, Hungary, Germany, and Romania. As usual, most involved issues with biblical brokenheartedness (D.I.D.) and demonization issues.
Counseling has Begin with a Counselee in the Country of Romania
As you may know, Romania is one of the countries on the western border of Ukraine. The counselee in Romania has four children, does some home schooling, and feels she is very busy. However, recently due to the war, she and her husband have also taken on 50 refugees from the Ukraine. She is feeling very overwhelmed at this time.
Please be in prayer for this couple, their children and the 50 refugees whom they are currently taking care of. Also be in prayer for the other counselees, both national and international that the Lord has directed to us for counseling.
Bible Study Thursday Evening
via ZOOM
I have been teaching a small international Bible study on Thursday evenings at 7:30 EST via ZOOM. We have just completed a 16 week study of the Book of Revelation and the very positive present and future aspects relating to Christians and the Church now through eternity. Attendees have included individuals from the U.S. and Australia.
Concerning the Book of Revelation, Jesus said in Chapter 1, verse 3,
“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.”
The Book of Revelation brings hope, peace and clarity for what lies ahead through eternity for the believer. It is truly amazing what God has in store for us.
My latest Book is Titled “A Study of the Book of Revelation in Relation to the Christian”
Chapters Include:
- Messages to the Seven Churches
- Heavenly Door Open & Heavenly Thrones
- Judgment Seat of Christ
- Marriage of the Lamb
- Battle of Armageddon
- The Kingdom Reign—Form and Seat of Gov’t.
- The Temple and It’s Worship
- The People Groups
- The Seven New Things.
It should be published and available through the Center within the next few months, if Jesus doesn’t return first.
Prayer and Financial Partners
Once again, a great big “THANK YOU.” Our ability to move forward in ministry is possible thanks in large part to your continued prayers and financial assistance. We regularly pray for each of you and continue to thank the Lord for your partnership in ministry.
What a God we Serve!
Personal Note from —
Roger & Diane
Diane and I are doing well though not getting any younger. I’ll be looking at age 77 come June 2nd but the Lord continues to bless with clarity of mind so I am able to continue in ministry and the privilege of serving Him.
Diane is enjoying helping me as needed with the Center work, but also is excited that winter (cold) is now turning into spring (warm) which allows her to get back out in the yard and start enjoying planting flowers and prettying things up.
We are looking forward to Easter Sunday, when, after morning services, we will have some of the many children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren over for a meal and the afternoon. It’s always good to be with family and enjoy a happy day with them.
Grass is starting to grow, trees are starting to bud, and pollen is going wild. Blue car is now yellow, gray car is now yellow. No wonder it’s the favorite springtime color, I guess.
A few weeks ago Julie, Jackson, and Kye were in town for a couple days over the weekend and it was so joyful having them around.
We have Gary 10 minutes away and Julie about an hour and a half away, so we see them fairly often. But then Dennis, Amy, Angela, and Melissa and families we haven’t seen since we all got together renting a cabin in Tennessee over Thanksgiving. We miss them but keep up with what’s going on in their lives as best we can. God bless you all as we move forward into summer.
We truly serve an amazing Lord.
God bless you all,
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