Newsletter September 1, 2024

Center for Christian Counseling & Training

National & International Ministry

P.O. Box 2630, Dallas, GA 30132 | Office: 321-269-0404

Since July 15th
we have Scheduled
a total of 70
Counseling Sessions
in Nine States
New Requests from those Seeking Counseling

From Cooranbong, Australia
I just came across your work in my renewed search for aid in dealing with my decades long struggle with dissociation and demonic attacks. I’m hoping you may be able to help me. My current circumstances are at university beginning ministerial and theological studies. I’m also currently financially challenged…

From Georgia
We have a friend, a teenager who is seeking counseling. I spoke and prayed with him this week. He has a single mom and they don’t have much money—but he has diagnoses of anxiety, major depressive disorder and panic disorder. He needs once a week counseling…

From Florida
I am reaching out because my 14-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with DID. I have her with a therapist who specializes in DID, however the therapist is not a Christian. Actually, my daughter isn’t either, but I am…

New Book Just Published and Available Now in the online Store

My latest book: Outside the Bible Box—Untangling Biblical Truth in the 21st Century is available now through our Website Book Store.

Prayer & Financial Partners, Please Continue to Pray for the Ongoing Finances of the Center

In the last Newsletter we explained the financial needs of the Center due to a decline in income with the economy in such a condition that counselees are understandably struggling financially, and we do not refuse counseling due to inability to pay.

Therefore we were asking our prayer and financial partners to pray for our health, spiritual and physical safety, and that our needs will continue to be met at the Center.

Any financial assistance that comes in we are always sure to thank our blessed Lord for because we know that He is the one that laid it on the heart of the individual to send a donation. And we have been so blessed in the past month as our partners responded to this need and are so appreciative of you as you listened to His guidance and responded accordingly. Thank you prayer and financial partners for all you have done and continue to do. We appreciate you so much.

The finances came, both large and small, and we were able to bring everything up to date. We were so blessed by the response and the greetings from many. One doner wrote:
“You are the most faithful people I know!! May the Lord bless you, keep you, and continue to uphold you!! I went through counseling for several years and it saved my life!! God sent you for me at such a time as this!! One life, He cared about…and you answered the call to come. I am thankful & grateful to our Great God and to you.”

It’s all about our blessed Lord, Truly God is good.

Greetings from Roger and Diane

In last month’s newsletter I asked for prayers as I was going to have a procedure at the hospital that required that I be anesthetized and was told I may have to spend the night there. Thanks for your prayers. The procedure was successful, and I even did not have to stay overnight. God is good. Still in the healing phase, but it hasn’t kept me from my weekly counseling sessions. God is good.

Diane is doing well and continues to enjoy, when the weather’s no too hot, working with her flowers out in the yard. She readily states that she does not have green thumb, but the yard says she does and so do I.

I am thrilled that our grandson Jackson has begun studies in Aerospace Engineering at Alabama State University and is very into rockets and related studies. That thrills me because when I was in High School I built an amateur rocket, solid fuel which I launched under army supervision at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It produced 900# of thrust and flew to a height of 14,000’. He just today joined the rocket Club at the university. After I designed the rocket several companies at the time helped. Cincinnati Milling Machine turned the nozzle, General Electric loaned 2 asbestos suits when the rocket was test fired on a site we built on my aunt’s property, and Ryerson Steel donated the seamless steel tubing for the body of the rocket. Back in the early 60’s companies were willing to help with such projects with the thought that if the person got involved with NASA in the years ahead, that they might send a contract their way.

I always have enjoyed building things and as a young adult over a two year period built a wood airplane powered by an old Volkswagen beetle engine, got it certified, and put about 100 hours of flight time on it before selling it.

So you can understand why I am so proud of him and feel that in some small way I may have encouraged him along the line.

God bless you all. We love and appreciate all of you and pray for our prayer and financial partners daily

To God be the glory,